Sunday, May 25, 2014

#Meeting a New Neighbor

1.Hello there. (suddenly see somebody.)

2.neighbor = the person who lives either right next to you or very close to you.

3.You’re new to the neighborhood = you are not been in this area before.

4.move in/out = move to a new location.

5.settle in = to begin to feel comfortable in a new place.

6.come over = come to my house/where I am.

7.the scoop on something/someone = information/inside information.

8.I’m kind of busy. = I’m some like busy.

9.I’ll take a rain check. = I can’t do that right now. But I’ll so it in the future. (someone offers something, but you can’t so it immediately)

10.joiner = a person who likes to participate in runback activities. keep to yourself = a person who doesn’t like talking about himself for giving information about himself.

12.I’m appointing yourself. = I’m going to do the participate job. secretary = a person who’s job is to manage someone’s social appointments.

14.a resident = a person who lives in a participate area. be inundated = to be flatted by or to have a lot / too much of something. sort something out = to look at a large amount of something and decide how to organize. fend off = to protect or defend yourself against someone or something especially someone is attacking you. turn down = to say no to something/to reject something.

19.reputation = how other people perceive/see you/the opinion other people have of you.

20.a recluse = a person who spends most of his or her time alone without talking to other people.

21.a busybody = someone who guesses about other people/someone who wants to know what’s going on in other people’s lives, even though it isn’t any of his or her business.

22.some people (it’s used to show how you are shocked by what someone has said or what someone has done. You can’t believe that.)

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